

Our firm will hold an advanced study for legal advisors and regulation managers in the field of Advocacy – a new date will be provided shortly
23.03.2023 Client update
ADVOCACY – an opportunity for legal counsels to be partners in designing market regulation
12.02.2023 Client update
Opinion 1/23 by the Competition Authority on the matter of vertical price maintenance arrangements (RPM)
07.02.2023 Convention
Rules for conducting relationships of legal counsels and companies with the regulator
05.02.2023 Convention
The firm partners lectured at the winter convention of the ACC Israel Internal Legal Counsels Union
Oded Gross Partner
Dana Battat Partner
Lori Kidron CMO
“The USA sues Google: Will it have to sell its acquired companies” / Adv. Avi Grossman, head of Competition and Antitrust at our firm, in an opinion piece
28.11.2022 Webinar
Our firm held a Webinar for legal counsels on the subject of A Summary of 2022 and Corporate Counsel Preparations for 2023 – in the field of Competition Laws
06.11.2022 Client Update
Review of decisions in the field of competition from around the world.
03.11.2022 Opinion Piece
Adv. Avi Grossman, who heads the field of competition and antitrust at our firm, in an opinion piece on the British Competition Authority’s decision to reject the Facebook (Meta) and Giphy merger.
06.10.2022 Client Update
Client update: the influence of market strength on analysis according to privacy laws
Eyal Roy Sage Partner
06.09.2022 Client Update
Client Update: The Competition Authority draft manifesto on the matter of receiving information at the Competition Authority and perusal thereof by factors other than the information providers
01.08.2022 Client Update
Client update: The Supreme Court ruling on excessive pricing by monopoly owner
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