Our firm is part of the initial legal aid team during wartime in the fields of privacy laws, copyrights and Internet – War Laws on the Internet: Initial Legal Assistance
About Related practices

Our firm is part of an initiative established by a group of jurists – including Adv. Eyal Sage, partner and head of our firm’s Law & Tech department – which deals in privacy, copyrights and Internet laws, in order to assist with initial legal advice in these fields.

As part of the assistance, the War Laws on the Internet: Initial Legal Assistance team provides answers to personal questions as well as accompaniment and immediate response to any new initiative related to the war: the establishment of a new Internet website; developing an application; collection of information in any way; another venture designed to raise donations; spreading of the victims individual stories; propagation; contending with problematic contents (fake, impersonation, incitement); etc.

The objective of this initiative for individuals, non-profit associations, settlements and non-commercial organizations is “legal first aid” and responding to common questions to provide an answer for individual issues that arise, and to enable the promotion of important and welcome action in these terrible times.

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